Few months back Priyanka Chopra famous Bollywood diva and now Baywatch star co-hosted a show called The View in New York. While co hosting the show, PeeCee was asked if she had any body shaming experience in the Bollywood industry, to which she said there was a producer who asked her to change a lot about her body when she was trying to enter movie industry after winning Miss World pageant.
She said “Before i became an actor, i met a producer about the possibility of acting. I was a beauty pageant winner at that time, Miss World. And she said that everything was wrong about me. She also said my nose was not proportionate, the shape of my body was not proportionate.”
But here is the thing what PeeCee said about nose and body is acceptable, but what about lips and face lifting. Everything is completely change now she looks more prettier than ever.
Here are some past and present pictures where you can easily say that Priyanka Chopra done Plastic Surgery very well.